Fantasy Portfolio

“Eye For An Eye”

Fian Arroyo is an award-winning illustrator and character designer with a sharp creative mind and a quick draw. For over 25 years, he has brought his bold, dynamic artwork to clients across industries—including Fortune 500 companies—in advertising, editorial, publishing, and the toy & game markets.

His commercial illustrations have earned recognition from esteemed organizations such as the Society of Illustrators of New York and the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles. More recently, his fantasy art has been featured in the prestigious Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art and Infected By Art. His work has also been showcased at top-tier art shows and conventions, including IX Art Show (The Main Show), Gen Con, Dragon Con, San Diego Comic-Con, New York Comic Con, Emerald City Comic Con, and C2E2.

Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Fian grew up as a U.S. Army brat, traveling the world and living in places like Japan, Panama, and various U.S. states. He later earned a BFA in Commercial Art from Texas State University before launching his freelance career in Miami, Florida. In 2014, he relocated to Asheville, North Carolina, where he expanded into the world of fantasy art alongside his commercial illustration work. Today, his fantasy pieces can be found in galleries across the Southeast.

Now based in Weaverville, North Carolina, Fian lives under the benevolent dictatorship of his wife, two kids, a Great Pyrenees, and a mortgage.