Wishing you and yours a safe and epic Holiday Season and New Year!
Wishing you and yours a safe and epic Holiday Season and New Year!
Got my first unstretched canvas print made this week...looks sweet! This 20"x 24" Sk8 Zombie went out to a buyer in Singapore Saturday. If you are interested in any of my titles as a canvas or paper print, just contact me in the Contact section here.
Here's two of 8 illustrations I'm doing right now for Boys Life magazine for a 2 spread article on sports superstitions. One's about Jim Palmer for the Orioles who wore the same pair of lucky socks for an entire season. Got the Ok to post this because the copy changed for this one and I had to change it a bit so the final will be slightly different. The second is a work in progress of Babe Ruth of the Yankees and Turk Wendell of the Mets. This is a super fun project and I thankful to have the opportunity to work with such a great publication. I am excited to see how these will turn out when the magazine comes out in December. Stay tuned!!!
Various Original drawings. ©2016 Fian Arroyo
Bringing some original drawings with me along with tons of all the different types of prints of my color work to Gen Con 2016. Gotta pack all this stuff up today!
I'm getting excited!!! If you are in the Indianapolis area this weekend, you gotta come by and check it out...it is crazy awesome!
Fantastic Franks Catalog Cover For Kid Stuff.
Recently I created a cover illustration for Kid stuff's fast-food restaurant toy catalog. It is always a treat to work on these catalog covers for them. This time my mission was to bring the Fantastic Franks toys to life. I think my mission was accomplished! What do you think?